Mini Inspirational Video's
Super short videos with micro content great for inspiration!!
There's nothing wrong with you
Happiness is... -mini
Our brains are wired not to make us happy but to protect us and keep us safe.
The Roommate in Your Head- mini
The voice in your head is like a roommate.
What Do You Do to Take Care of Yourself?- mini
What is the Highest thing you Value- mini
Nope think again!
The Day to Day Fight is your Challenge
Get up get out of the house get out of your comfort zone, get off your phone and take action.
What is the meaning of life
Start today give the meaning that you think life have and then act on it, and if that doesn't work you have the power to change it.
Two Stoic Philosopher Quotes
What do you hear?
How can these be applied in your life? -
Attract not Forced- mini
What you attract into your life has value purpose and meaning..
What expectations we have vs reality- mini
When do these high standards lift us?
When do they disempower us?
When do they bring out the best in us? Do they?
When or how will they Bring out joy, aliveness,
When do they become weapons we use against ourselves? -
70,000 Thoughts per Day - mini
You can become an observer and detach yourself from your thoughts
Peace and Joy found Within - mini
We are conditioned to believe that there is peace and some sort of happiness and the world of form.
Want to change your feelings?- mini
Do you know where your feelings come from? Do you know how the mind, thoughts and consciousness work? Do you want to shift how you experience life?
You are already enough -mini
What if you already have it all? What does that open up for you?
To love yourself is to.. -mini
Very few people experience this whole new world of possibility.
Challenges are like Building Muscle- mini
How we think of a challenge matters!
Just do it - mini
You have the power within you to start. Just do it!
Small Daily Habits- mini
Getting 1% improvement is really easy, what will you do to get closer to your goals?
Weather is like Thought- mini
How can we see the ups and downs of life as normal, natural and embrace the highs and lows?
Are You Troubled by Events in Your Past? - mini
Our brains are brilliantly designed to keep us safe.
Choose Temporary Discomfort Over Comfort - mini
What do you choose, comfort or happiness?
A Good Person - mini
Fun poem if you will and message
Language is Powerful - mini
Changing one word can impact how you feel about things...
Connection with Others -mini
It's easy to get lost, but fitting in isn't sustainable.